Active Bylaws
125-23 Land Use Bylaw - Bylaw Portion Only
122-21 Intermunicipal Plan Bylaw - Bylaw Portion Only
121-21 Amendment to Sewage Bylaw
120-21 Fertilizer and Herbicide Bylaw
119-21 Emergency Management Bylaw
118-21 Subdivision and Development Appeal Board
117-21 Establish Assessor as a Designated Officer
115-21 Bylaw Enforcement Officer Bylaw
114-21 Establish the Position of CAO
113-21 Municipal Development Plan Bylaw
111-19 Unsightly Premises Bylaw
109-19 Assessment Review Board Bylaw
106-18 Council Code of Conduct
105-18 Public Participation Bylaw
89-10 To Establish the Position of Assessment Complaints Manager
74-03 Authorize Penalties on Unpaid Taxes
72-02 Regulate the Discharge of Firearms
67-01 Amendment to Bylaw 50, Fees for the Subdivision Authority
65-00 Provide for Appointment of Assessor as a Designated Officer
64-99 Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Bylaw
60-98 Athabasca Regional Waste Management Authority
50-95 Establish Fees for the Subdivision Authority
49-95 Establish a Subdivision Authority
48-95 Establish a Development Authority
45-95 Establishing Officers and Other Related Matters
27-88 Regulate Highway Traffic within the Summer Village
26-88 Regional Sewage Lagoon Agreement Bylaw
17-85 Fire Protection (Baptiste Volunteer Fire Brigade)
12-84 Minister Approval to Adopt a Crest or Coat of Arms